Friday, January 7, 2011

Bahia Chamela (anchor) - draft

Sorry I haven't posted in so long, I'm way behind on my blog, the last real entry I did was back in October. Internet access has been very intermittent and when you do find it its very slow and makes uploading pictures and editing web pages painful.

As a temporary fix, I have decided to just put up mt current location and put 'draft' in the title. When I have better access to the internet I will upload the full story and all the pictures.

Everything is going great, I have had no failures or problems on the boat, the weather has been fantastic and the Mexican people I have met have all been very friendly.

I am now about 60nm away from my most southerly destination at Manzanillo, Im deep in the tropics now with palm trees, coconuts and crocodiles. I will then turn around and start heading back into the sea of cortez for the spring.


  1. Beware of the crocs! Safe travels, Guy

  2. You need an SMTP-to-Blog gateway so that you can do text posts cheaply from your SatPhone! Glad to hear that you're making great time and that the boat is performing well.

  3. Hi Joe...Mike from Newport Beach here. So great to hear your cruise is going well.
