Contact Me

Please feel free to send me a message, I could be alone for periods of time during some of the longer passages and your message could prevent me going insane and talking to Otto the autopilot.

I can receive/send email from anywhere in the world using my SSB radio / modem and Sat phone. Send short text messages (no attachments/videos or pictures) to joe at - replace the 'at' with @ of course! 

I can also be contacted via regular email: . I may be slow responding as I wont be checking for regular email unless I have Wifi or 3G Internet access in a marina or near land.

I can receive (and welcome) brief text messages worldwide using my Iridium 9555 satellite phone. Send email of 160 characters or less (no attachment or pictures) to:
If you cant send email, you can use the Iridium website to send me messages to my Sat phone from anywhere in the world for free. Use my number 881622417994 in the "to:" field. Remember to include your name so I know who its from.

I hope to get a 3G USB modem to access the excellent Mexican phone system when I first cross the border in Ensenada. Apparently they work really well and have good coverage in remote areas. I will post my findings.

If your feeling adventurous, I also have a SSB ham radio on board, I am using it mainly for receiving weather faxes and emergency comms with the coastguard but if you have a shortwave radio transceiver I have the ability to communicate. Text me a time and a frequency using the information above. My call sign is WDF2187.

It will be great to hear from you!